
澳门十大赌城官方网站 will celebrate student achievements of its fall 2019 graduating class with the 155th Commencement ceremony on Wednesday, 12月. 18. The ceremony f或者是 colleges of Business, 教育, and Liberal Arts and Sciences will take place in the Harold J. Cordts Physical 教育 Center’s Main Arena at 2 p.m.

University System of Maryland Regent James Holzapfel will confer degrees and FSU President Ronald Nowaczyk will address the graduating class and present diplomas. This year’s commencement speakers are Mackenzie迅速 from the College of Business, Kyndra道森 from the College of 教育 and 罗伯特·彭斯 from the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.

斯威夫特来自马里兰州奥克兰市., graduates with a bachelor’s degree in business administration with a concentration in human resource management. She has served as the president of FSU’s chapter of the Society for Human Resources Management (SHRM) f或者是 past year and was selected to be in the President’s 领导 Circle in 2018-19. She is a member of several honor societies, most notably Beta Gamma Sigma Business Honors Society. She was named the 2019 scholarship winner f或者是 Maryland Daily Record’s 前 100 Women of Maryland, chosen out of all female college students in the state. Swift has organized many successful workshops, activities and networking events and has attended multiple leadership retreats, including the Sloop Institute for Excellence in 领导. She has interned with the Garrett County Board of 教育 and at First United Bank and Trust. She also uses her time to serve and has been a volunteer mentor to a local elementary school student f或者是 past year. She is very grateful for her time with the students and professors in Frostburg’s College of Business, 说, “There is no student who has been more impacted nor one who is more thankful for her time in this program.”

道森来自马里兰州萨维奇山., graduates with a bachelor’s in early childhood/elementary education. She made the Dean’s List every semester and was awarded the Hattie M. Strong 基金会 “Strong Scholars” Scholarship in 2019. She is an active member of the Frostburg Student 教育 Association and is an advocate for young children. Dawson has been a teaching assistant at Parkside Elementary School and has served as a teacher intern for kindergarten and second grade at Cash Valley Elementary Professional Development School. 教师 have recognized her diligence and hard work in every task, as she continues to strive for excellence. 她的部门说, 作为幼儿/小学专业, 金德拉是一个敬业的, compassionate and competent beginning educator.”

伯恩斯来自马里兰州弗雷德里克., graduates with a bachelor’s in engineering with a minor in physics. He served as a student worker in FSU’s Materials Testing Lab f或者是 past two years, completing projects used to help educate students on mechanical property testing. Burns showcased his skills outside of the classroom by interning with Meggitt Defense Systems and recently traveling to Portland, 矿石., to present his group’s capstone design project and represent FSU at the Materials Science and Technology Conference. 他还与Dr. Zhen Liu on several graduate level research projects and is working with the Physics and Engineering Department to improve learning for his peers. Burns has had to overcome many obstacles to obtain his success, according to department chair Dr. 埃里克•摩尔. “Robert has shown the world of experiences FSU offers to students who are willing to persist and grab hold of opportunities they can get no place else,摩尔说. 伯恩斯已经在美国国务院找到了一份工作.S. 海军部.

教务长博士. Elizabeth Throop; Dr. Sudhir Singh, dean of the College of Business; Dr. Boyce Williams, interim dean of the College of 教育; and Dr. Kim Hixson, dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, will present candidates for degrees.

需购票方可参加. 你可以在 毕业典礼网站.

The ceremony will also be streamed live online. 有关直播链接,请访问 澳门十大赌城官方网站网站 在毕业典礼那天. An overflow viewing area showing the livestreamed broadcast will be available in the Lane University Center Loft near Starbucks. 在这个地方不需要门票.

Graduates and families are encouraged to share photos of favorite Commencement moments on social media by tagging them with the hashtag #FrostburgGRAD.

Situated in the mountains of Allegany County, 澳门十大赌城官方网站 is one of the 12 institutions of the University System of Maryland. FSU是一个综合性的, residential regional university and serves as an educational and cultural center for Western Maryland. 更多信息,请访问 澳门十大赌城官方网站网站 或者是 FSU Facebook页面. 在Twitter上关注FSU @frostburgstate.

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