New Minor in Climate Science Serves Pressing Topic

Sep 25, 2019 3:05 PM

As the climate becomes a more pressing topic, climate literacy will be essential when communicating with decision-makers in the public sector, private sector, research and academic fields. To meet this growing need, Frostburg State University students across multiple disciplines can gain a firm foundation with a minor in climate science.

Previously a concentration of the geography major, the climate science minor requires just 22 credit hours, many of which are general education courses. When it was a concentration of the geography major, students in majors outside of geography found it difficult to take the courses without double majoring.

“We hope that by making it a minor, students across multiple disciplines can now access these courses to enhance their majors,” said Dr. Tianna Bogart, associate professor in the Department of Geography. “Students who may want to go into environmental law or become policy makers can now have a better foundation, as well as any science students who may want to pursue research or graduate studies.”

The climate science minor gives students the opportunity to gain a firm grounding in basic physical, ecological and social science as well as explore the climate’s interactions with history and its influence on law.

A sample course includes Physical Climatology, which gives students an overview of the physical processes that define Earth’s global climate. Another is Environmental Public Policy, which assesses current environmental policy and how it relates to current issues at the regional, national and international levels.

For more information about the new climate science minor, visit the climate minor web page, or contact FSU’s Department of Geography at 301-687-4264 or email Bogart at